Saturday, December 25, 2010

burden ,God's miracle and me

dengan tulisan aku bisa merasa lebih lega.
so plis let's me start..

sebenarnya dari kemarin aq ada keinginan untuk menulis. tapi tidak tahu knapa, i just dont feel rite. so i dont write..

2- 3 days ago, i often complained..
sad and felt just wanna be alone to think.

now, i'm tired complaining!
seriously, complain is tiring ur soul.. (trust me, this is what i felt when i'm complaining)
Complain make u sad and pity with urself.
no new hope, no everything good.
everything seem not good.

i was rapidly through my day with asking, Why God, Why God.
my heart chained with a heavy burden.
but the other side, i always remind that God always beside me.
And before all this happen, He have told me, that He trust me i can through all of this.
He trust in me even He know i would say i cant do it God! but He trust me.
so why am i didnt trust my self?

u know what i'm feeling now?
i felt like throw out of the boat that i have been so comfort with.

i just realize Malaysia is my comfort zone.
and i didn't feel wanna leave. it's my boat!
but the same time, God did smthg that made me so sure..

He want me to stay in Indonesia this holiday. i thought He have a secret plan for me.
i still dunno yet, but i know, with all of pressure and process..
it would be spectacular plan for me. i just cant wait to figure out!! hehehe..

u see.. He gave me internship job here, he made i cant change my return date to malay.
He really insist me to stay!

how can i run? He block all my way.

and i dunno why, i just got the similar message when i read the quote/ tweet/ pastor preach..
it's all about:

a happiness is a decision not a feeling! ( really get me, when i feel sad)

"get out from your comfort zone, for Jesus sake"- John Maxwell
(its like scream at me, when my heart said plis go back to Malay, silvie)

see? i think i can't turn back. no way out. and i dont want to turn back too.
what i can do is just surrender..
Let your will be done.
God, plis give me your courage, support and joyful in my heart.

and now, i want to say ,"im ready! bring it on"

Monday, December 6, 2010

understanding His plan

sometimes i amazed how got arrange who i will meet, who is gonna walking in my life.
can't describe because don't have exact words can represent what im feeling is.

i found many kind of people and thats make me learn and understand the differences.
every people have a similarity but not the same, each of them are very unique.
happy to know them. some make me learn to patience and more be understanding.

i love making a friend. may be God give me a gift to making a lot of friend.
i love that GIFT!! :D

but i also choose who is gonna my really really best friend,
that i can share and talk about my problem.
surprisedly, i found my best friend,
is the one i havent ever thought in my mind, we will be close enough to be a friend..
(apalagi best friend)

then what god turn my perspective. even though.. Her and I so different..
we complete each other as a friend. we support and learn to know what each other character.
you know, how strong the friendship can be test by problems that come over.
even we have cried, cold fight ( perang dingin), mad with each others.
but the end, we will be say sorry and thats make our friendship stronger than ever.

i learn to know exactly what she likes or dislikes, what is her character..
i know all that from 3 years friendship with her.
i trust, every people walk in my life, God have the reason.
even i didnt like that person.. and asked why GOD??

but u know sometimes God want to shape ur character through that
"u- asked- why- God- this- person- come- to- my- life"

and now, i'm realize. whatever the differences, just hold it for a while,
dont just turn away.. but HOLD IT FOR A WHILE, to see what God purpose through them for u. :)

N.T : i never regret for every person that come and go in my life. my junior & highschool friends and best friends, person who have hurt and break my heart, my first crush, my church friends, my mentor, my komsel friends, all people!!

My life it's special privilege, He gives to me..
so i enjoy it every second. :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Voice of my lil heart

Tuhan silvie kangen.. kangen pagi2 menikmati kecerahan cuaca mu di pagi hari.
ngobrol2 sama Engkau sambil melihat awan di langit yg biru.

Tuhan, kau mengajarkan ku banyak hal. thanks ya..

God teach me, if u see people in hurts n pains, what u should do, is to hold, hug and give your full love to them. because that what I do when u are in pain.

God teach me to understand, that i was His fruit of patience. why? because he keep knocked and waited outside my heart and never give up on me. And now, here I am.
Touch by His unfailing love.

This is one of His million evidences of MAGNIFICENT plan in my life.

more i know You God, more i fall in love.
my perspective changes and renew day by day,
you changes me become just like you.
and when i realize this, i just can't help to falling deeper in You!
i love u soooo muchhh, that don't want to let you go in my life.
You know what the best time in my life? is when i encounter with YOU, GOD personally.

God, u are the first in my life
The first personal that touch my heart
The first personal that made me so madly in love with YOU.
The first personal that really understand me more than my self.
and every thing in my life, everything i have..
I give You the first and very best

this is the best smile for u, lord!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

God, i come as i am

Kalau dibilang apa yang belum saya berikan Tuhan?
saya pasti berkata sudah semua nya saya berikan sama Dia.
pengharapan saya, cinta saya, hidup saya. semuanya saya rasa, saya sudah berikan.

tetapi saya tidak mengetahui bahwa ada hal yang belum beres dan belum saya berikan kepada Dia. tetapi Allahku mengerti ketidaktahuan saya tentang hal itu.
apakah itu? My 100 % TRUST!

Saya benar2 menyadarinya akhir2 ini. betapa susah nya saya percaya 100% sama Tuhan, sama orang, sama sesuatu.
saya takut. takut untuk dikecewakan, takut untuk disakiti.

kalau saya bs menggambarkan keadaan hati saya. hati saya tuh udah penuh dengan gerutan.
dan rapuh.

tetapi God, i come as I am. begitulah keadaan saya. keadaan hatiku Bapa.
terima kasih Tuhan, kau menyadarkan ku. kau mau memprosesku.

Air mata yang sekarang menetes karna baru menyadari
bahwa sebenarnya Tuhan sudah tahu hal ini sejak lama,
tetapi Dia menunggu Silvie untuk datang dan memberikan kepercayaan nya yang 100% sama Dia.

He waited and kept waited until now.

i just can say U alone that understand and know my heart.
i was so happy that i know and encounter with You personally. PERSONALLY!

Dan saya tidak mau berhenti sampai di sini. tidak mau menyerah akan smua proses ini.
saya mau maju dan terus melaju sampai garis akhir nanti.
saya mau membuat Engkau tersenyum bangga melihat seorang Silvie Hosea.
saya mau menjadi lukisan mu yang indah.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Do u know ?

apakah kalian tahu?

Apa yang membuat wanita menjadi lebih dewasa?
kesanggupan dalam memikul setiap beban hidup, pantang menyerah dan selalu bersyukur.
dan tahu everything gonna be allrite.

Bagaimana memiliki hidup yang indah & menginspirasi?
hidup yang di dalam nya ada Tuhan adalah hidup yang indah.
hidup yang mencari kehendak Tuhan adalah hidup yang menginspirasi.

Mengapa Tuhan lebih mementingkan proses daripada hasil?
Tuhan tahu saat kita berfokus dengan hasil dan memakai jalan pintas, hasil yang kita dapat akan cepat hilang.
~ get quicker, lost quickest~

Karna di dalam proses, karakter yang dibentuk,
dan kesuksesan tanpa karakter yang matang= kehancuran.
So, that's what God workin on each of us. PROCESS!

Mengapa Tuhan tahu seluk beluk hati setiap kita?
karna Tuhan pencipta kita. Tidak ada yg lebih mengerti alat yang diciptakan, selain penciptana bukan?
Tuhan bukan hanya tahu seluk beluk hati kita saja, tetapi Tuhan tahu semuanya.
Tahu mengapa dan tujuan kamu diciptakan. seberapa besar kapasitas mu untuk melayani Nya. because Our God is the greatest Thinker ever.

he created each of us differently, no one is same.

kangen nya sama blog & inet!

hadeh hadeh.. kangen banget sama internet. sama blog.

sudah 4 - 5 hari saya tidak mempunyai hubungan dekat dengan internet.
well thats good sbenerna. karna slasa dan kamis kemarin, saya ada exam.
spertina Tuhan mau membuat saya, lebih fokus. jadi tiba2 inet mati total hanya di tempat saya.
luar biasaa.. hahaha

saat saya di pesawat menuju Jakarta, perasaan saya biasa saja.
tetapi saat sudah bertemu papa, saya merasa ingin dan kangen banget untuk ngobrol2 berdua sama dia.
jadina saya makan dan ngobrol2 panjang sama papa di restorant yang tidak asing terdengar.

tidak di malay, tidak di jakarta, saya tetap makanan dan minuman nya sama.
tetapi kalau di indonesia, teh tarik na tidak semanis yang di Malaysia.
memang masyrakat Malaysia amat amat menyukai Gula!
dan sayangnya i'm not a big fan of sweet! :(

mengobrol, mengobrol dan mengobrol. waktu terasa cepat dan tidak terasa sudah malam.
perbicangan yang dibicarakan beragam.
papa sangat terbuka dengan smua topik, mungkin karna dia juga merasa sudah cukup besar,
dia mulai singgung hal tentang pasangan, dia memberikan wejangan2 yg bijak untuk saya,
anak perempuannya. hahaha.
saya merasa pemikiran saya sangat dibukakan dan diperluas.

senang deh, belajar sesuatu yang belum saya ketahui.
makasi papa.

Saya bangga mempunyai seorg ayah yang tidak perfect,
dan seorang ibu yang tidak perfect juga. dan melahirkan saya, seorg wanita yg tidak perfect jg.
so well, everybody have a weakness.
so i wont complain about that! but i will thankful to God,
becoz He gave me a unperfect parents to teach and love the way i am.

allrite.. thats all i have been doing lately.
so byeee. cu in the next topic :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

one in a million

i found a really really great song! watch it.

Neyo - one in a million

i really love the lyrics too! ehehehe

One in a million - Neyo
Jet setter
Go getter
Nothing better
Call me Mr. been there done that
Top model chick to your every day hood rat
Less than all but more than a few
But I've never met one like you

Been all over the world
Done a little bit of everything
Little bit of everywhere
With a little bit of everyone
All the girls I've been with
Things I've seen it takes much to impress
But sure enough you go it makes your soul stand up from all the rest

I can be in love
But I just don't know
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it's working
All the girls don't matter
In your presence can't do what you do
There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you

Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

You're not a regular girl
You don't give a damn about your look
Talking about I can't do it for you
But you can do it for yourself

Even though that ain't so
Baby cause my dough don't know how to end
But that independent thing I'm with it
All we do is win baby

I could be in love
But I just don't know
Baby one thing is for certain

Timing girl
Only one in the world
Just one of a kind
She mine

Ooh all that I can think about is what this thing could be
A future baby
Baby you're one of a kind
That means that you're the only one for me
Only one for me
Baby (girl) you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

seneng banget deh sama lagu n lirikna. gw bangettt.. kayana sih smua wanita akan senang mendengar saat dia dikatakan sama org yg dia sayang, one in a million! ya ga, ladies? hehehe.

one in a million. :D

woman is a color burst!

Terinspirasi dri lagu ini, saya membuat puisi pendek. saya sgt menikmati.
berharap kalian yg membaca, bisa mengerti pesan dari puisi pendek ini. :)

wanita wanita, mengapa kalian begitu luar biasa cantik?
tetapi kalian lupa akan kecantikan yang kalian punya.
mengapa kalian lupa untiuk bersinar dgn warna yang kalian punya.

wanita wanita, kalian begitu luar biasa.
mengapa kalian lupa untuk tersenyum lepas dan bahagia?
mengapa kalian lupa mengapa kalian diciptakan. untuk bersinar!
mengapa kalian menjadi redup. kemanakah sinar mu?

Firework - Katy Perry

what a beautiful song n lyric. sudah lama tidak menemukan lagu yang mempunyai lirik yang benar2 punya meaning yg bgs. Enjoy :)

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in

Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing

Do you know that tehre's still a chance for you
there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on
show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you can open one that leads you to the perfect road

Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time, you'll know

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on slet your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on slet your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em goin "Oh, oh, oh!"

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

wisdom in relationship

heiii, i have new update. new knowledge. new inspiration.
its about relationship.

Tuhan ku yg luar biasa, mengajarkan banyak hal. termasuk hal relationship.
tepatnya kemarin Tuhan menguide ku..
Ternyata Tuhan mau Silvie belajar


aku belajar bahwa, dalam yang namanya hubungan pacaran itu. Ga salah.
asal dua duanya fondasi nya sudah kuat. dan mreka sudah dewasa dan mengerti jelas
apa yang namanya hubungan yang berkomitmen. bukan cuma mengandalkan perasaan cinta saja.

dan tentu saja, wanita dan pria berbeda. dari fisik, perasaan, dan sudut pandang. Dan makanya, itu saya merasa saya sedang dituntun 'step - by- step' untuk mengerti hubungan yg berkomitmen yang Tuhan mau. siapa yg guide saya dlm hal ini? percaya ga percaya. Tuhan sendiri loh! amazing..

Tuhan beri saya kebijakan untuk mengerti jelas, apa yang akan diasah di dlm diri saya dlm relationship saya nanti:

1. Trust my partner to grow on his own. He needs my love, not rejection to grow.
secara ga sadar, wanita termasuk saya, kalau melihat pasangan nya tidak seperti yang kita mau, kita tergoda untuk meng'improve' mreka. jelas, maksud kita adalah sayang. tetapi bagi para pria, ternyata suatu rejection. dan dri situ lah saya belajar, to trust him to grow on his own.

2. Patience & Trust. Primary need every woman are CARING. BUT, primary need every guy are TRUST. kita ga bs mengubah pasangan kita untuk menjadi seprti yang kita mau. Let him learn on his own, what he needs to learn. And wait until he ask for your advice.

3. Accept his imperfection. let him know, he doesnt have to be perfect to deserve my love. even he did a mistake, let him know that forgiveness are there for him.

4. Not demand my partners will do same thing like i did for him. dgn kata lain, tidak menuntut.
Dan mnurut saya ini sgt bijak bagi para wanita dan pria, melakukan sesuatu dan berubah itu bukan untuk menyenangkan pasangan yang bersamanya saat ini. tetapi mreka berubah untuk kebaikan nya sendiri.

5. Not making decision for him. walau saya tau saya dominan, tetapi saya belajar penundukan diri sama Firman Tuhan, bahwa bukan saya yang mendecide apa yg dia harus lakukan ataupun memecahkan masalahnya. tetapi saya bisa membantu dia dengan opini yg dia bs jadikan consideration.
sehingga pasangan saya bisa bertumbuh dan itu lah yg Tuhan mau, bahwa pria menjadi kepala dan wanita menjadi penolong.

Thx God for the 'wisdom' , knowledge and direction. So i know what to do.
thx for showing me your greatness today : )

Monday, November 1, 2010

cry out

women's heart so hidden.

i think people that said it before, really true.

i felt only God understand me, only Him.

He also my first love. that can make heart beat so loud.
and i really secure and comfort with Him,
talk all day about everything i have been through, whether small or big things.
i love covered by His unfailing love. that He really understand my thought and inside my deepest heart.
my heart always waiting the time that we can spend and talk together.

God, dont seperate me with your abundantly love. don't ever let me go.
dont ever make me feel, no body cares and love me.

always remind me, that your promise will always for me to see.
that i'm precious in your eyes. and never ever stop loving me.

who's i got when everything nothing last forever?
friends? parents? mentor? our partner?
they can leave me, can disappoint me. but YOU..
YOU never ever leave me.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

SFJTD challenge! : )

I know it is easy when the waves are crashing around us
to forget that the hands that calmed a raging storm
can bring serenity to our world no matter what we face.
As a daily reminder i keep this note taped to my desk :

Today I will be handing all your problems. Please remember I do not need your help. If a situation you cannot handle happens to appear, DO NOT attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFJTD ( Something For Jesus To Do) box. it will be addressed in MY time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, DO NOT hold on to it or attempt to remove it. Holding on or removal will delay the resolution of your problem. If it is a situation that you think you are capable of handling , please consult me in prayer to be sure that is the proper resolution. Because i do not sleep nor do I slumber, there is no need for you to lose any sleep.

Rest my child.

If you need to contact me, I am only a prayer away.

so, do you want to try the SFJTD challenge like me too?

He invites us to 'Pile our troubles on God Shoulder, He'll carry your load,
He'll help you out. - psalm 55: 22

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, but only saps today of its strength.

Friday, October 22, 2010

personal share : )

i just wanna share my happiness to u guys..

this is my housemate in Malaysia.
i'm really happy and grateful God gave a wonderful of housemate for me.

thanks for everything ya..

for shella tanzilia..
makasi ya sayankk sudah menjadi penyemangat ku, yang memberi pelukan hangat di saat aq sangat memerlukan ku, yang selalu menjadi pendengar setia.. aq tahu kamu menyimpan banyak hal di dalam benakmu, aq ga tahu apakah aq telah menjadi teman mu yg bisa menjadi tempat mu berbagi suka dan duka. but i hope i can give u the best i can give to u..

for Amanda Woe..
ahahaha... terima kasih untuk gadis yang mempunyai determination begitu luar biasa, saya begitu salut dengan kegigihan dan kemandirian andaa sayank.. karakter mu yang ga pernah menyerah, membuat aq juga mau untuk lebih kuat menghadapi kerasnya dunia ini. lol :)
Gosh, u are so amazing manda!! thanks for your encouragement ya kemaren. i really need that. hehehe

For Mariska Adriani..
Makasi ya sahabat saya, yang selalu sabar sama saya. kaya na loe da tau gw deh sedikit banyak. ya ga sih? makasi ya ka, atas semua kebaikan yang loe uda pernah buat ke gw. setiap act of service lo sangat membuat gw bahagia. setiap pelukan, setiap waktu yang lo invest ke gw, itu sangat sangat sangat gw hargai. i wish i can be a perfect friends for u that never make u felt sad. but i can't. i'm just human. but i'm really try my best to make my special friends to smile.. hehe

at the end, i can only give my heart and care for u guys.. thats all i have.
thanks for everything guys :)

God did something amazing on me!

lately my head is struck with this song. TEN 2 five - feels like home.
btw, my ipod full with love song. i just realize that! people really love made a love song. hahaha.
dont ask me why.

the song its already been a year in my ipod, and i haven't added a new song.

i just wanna share.. what i have been through lately.
i felt my journey is like a roller coaster. up and down.
i attacked by fear and unsecure.
fear that i cant see what in front of me,
i felt like my eyes blindfold with something.. and thats make my heart felt unpeaceful.

i know God promise, that He never planned bad thing for me. everything He do for me is for good.
but that time, i felt like.. please give a mercy to know what u have been working on me..
i were worry about that.

until i watch again THE FACING THE GIANT. it open my minds and everything like clear for me.

in the part, where the boy doing the 'death crawl' with blindfold eyes.
he thought he only can do for 10 or 30. but when his eyes is blindfold.
he can't see anything, what he can do, only keep going.

when the burden make u felt so heavy, the pressure made u unhappy.
but keep going on, He want to see our very best!! dont quit.

and the scene show, that the boy can reach the finish line. it's more than he expected.
wow, rite?
that what open my eyes. thanks God :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

once upon a time in my life..

once a upon a time.

when i born, i dont know anything.
when i grew up, i become a little creature that really cute also a devil one.

when i turn up a teenage, i feel nothing.
i'm searching my identity and friends how accept me who i am.

when i'm in high school, i feel sad
because i seperated with my best friend.
but God give me another 1 for me, we laugh together, hang out and everything together.
that was a great time for me.

but, none compare when I meet God in my life personaly.
i felt change.
i felt special.
i felt i was His precious thing.

He protect me. challenges me. and love me.

how painfull my life want to bring me down. i felt my world upside down
i remember there's a hand that protect and cover me in the middle of storm.
he teaches me to believe him more and more.
he teaches me to more open and comfortable talk to Him.

He didnt want to be my God only. but He wants to be my BEST FRIEND and Father.

how i fall in love with this personal, intimation relationship with me and Him.
privately only for both of us.

feel the love, is the great feeling ever.
give the love, is the best you can do

cheers : D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

God is my strong hold

hei, i'm back..

kembali dari semua kesibukan yang menyita waktu dan pikiran.
dan sekarang saya sudah bisa memulai kebebasan lagi untuk berekspresi.

akhir2 ini saya merasa selalu diingatkan kalau kita harus punya iman.
iman adalah dasar.
iman adalah bukti dari segala hal yg blm terlihat.
iman adalah segalanya buat kita.

dengan iman, kita bisa tetap strong even kenyataan nya bukan seperti hal yg kita inginkan.
iman mengajarkan banyak hal..

dia mengajarkan aku untuk bisa tetep percaya dan tidak kuatir.

jujur, sebulan yang lalu saya sangat kuatir dengan namana masa depan, pasangan hidup, keluarga saya, semuanya saya kuatirkan.

apa yang harus saya perbuat ya Tuhan? itu mungkin kata2 yg terlontar di hati saya.
saya berkata saya mau menyerahkan nya k Tuhan, tetapi saya tetap kuatir.
bukan kah saya berarti kurang percaya.
tetapi secara terus menerus saya diingatkan di sate saya, berulang- ulang
tentang IMAN!!

dan pas di retreat kemarin saya pun didukung, diteguhkan kembali

luar biasa, Dad. i love u more.
give more knowledge, give me ear to always listen to ur voice.
give me wisdon that can see clearly which path is the best for me.
give me heart that always hungry and thirst.
give me a great love to love and accept people the way they are,
same as YOU accept and love me the way I am.

God bless ; )

Saturday, August 21, 2010

angela aki - letter to 15 years old of me

ini lagu yang sangat bagus. check it out! =)


17 agustus 2010 saya rayakan di malaysia.
dan tahun ini, saya merayakan nya dgn meriah dibanding tahun2 lalu.
saya mengikuti lomba2, sperti lomba tarik tambang,
lomba duduk2an (tahu kan, lomba dimana diputar lagu dan disediakan kursi yang kurang dari jumlah pemainnya, jadi saat lagu berhenti, siapa yang tidak mendapat tempat duduk, itulah yang kalah.. )

seru deh, saya sangat menikmati acara 17 Agustus an tahun ini.
saya sangat bersyukur Tuhan memberikan saya kesempatan untuk mengisi acara, yaitu
vokal group yg mewakilkan FGCC di acara 17 Agustus an - MPC ini.

banyak acara yang saya suka salah satu nya: tari saman, bowo performance - dia membawakan lagu TRIO KWEK KWEK- KU TAKUT MAMAKU MARAH. sangat mengoyang badan dan nagih! hahahaha

lalu ada BEAT OF SOUL dari Help University, suaranya smooth skali, sperti Gleen Fredly. mantap!

lalu ada bazaar, makanan nya juga enak2, dari ayam bakar, siomay, sampai kolek nya mantap. hehehe.
jadi kangen makan siomay abang2 di indo yang lewat sore- sore di depan rumah. : P

lewat acara 17 Agustusan ini, saya mendapat sukacita yang banyak! ahahaha
saya bisa mengenal dan bersosialisasi dengan banyak orang.
dan saya sangat menikmati yang namanya bersosialisasi.

spertinya saya diciptakan untuk berbicara. hahaha.

tetapi namanya mau memberi performance yang terbaik, dibutuhkan latihan2,
dan latihan membutuhkan pengorbanan waktu.
dan itu sangat terasa bagi saya, tetapi sejauh ini saya sangat menikmati setiap latihan yang ada.

terima kasih Tuhan atas semua hal yang manis yang tidak pernah saya duga.
terima kasih semua kejutan manis nya. =)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

i'm a Dog person


senang, lega, wuah nyampur di hati.
dan dgn bangga saya proclaim. i'm DONE WITH EXAM! hohoho

dan saya hari ini tidak sengaja sdang membuka2 dan melihat tipe2 anjing.

saya suka skali dgn DOG. i'm dog person. not a cat person.
ga tau ya, saya merasa anjing itu sangat setia, menghibur dan teman yg sgt pas buat saya.

All u need is take care of him at the first, then when times goes, the dog will take care of u. ( may be u dont realize it, but it's true. )

They take care ur safety, sensitive with a voice, company u walk, make ur smile with their foolish/ cute action like this.

see, thats can make all ur stress go away. u will never bored play around with them.

o my, i miss my dog a lot.

i just wonder, if i can have 1 in here. but my housemate didnt like a dog.
so i think, that just a dream to have a dog in here. :(

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

5 Principal of pencil

Once upon a time, there's a grandmother writting a letter and giving some advices to her grandson as well.

"I hope u will be like this pencil when u grow up later.
This pencil has 5 principals that can always help u to be calm and relax in your life IF u're holding on that 5 principals in life."

Then she starts to explain what are the 5 principals of a pencil.

"Number 1. A pencil reminds u that u can make wonderful and awesome things in life.
Like a pencil when u're writting, NEVER forget that there's always a hand who hold ur steps in life. We called it HAND OF GOD, He will always hold and bring us to His desire."

"Number 2. In a process of writting, U need to stop for couple of times and use a sharpener to sharpen again the pencil.
This sharpener will make the pencil suffer. BUT after the process to sharpen the pencil is done, it will get sharp again. Like u[us], in this life u need to be brave to suffer and face all the problems, because they who will make u STRONG."

"Number 3. A pencil always give us chance to use an eraser, to correct the wrong words.
So, to look up and correct our mistakes isn't a bad thing. It can make us stay in the right way."

"Number 4. The most important part from a pencil isn't the cover but the coal inside the pencil itself.
So, always AWARE behavior and attitude INSIDE u. Self instropection is very good, don't blame on people."

"Number 5. A pencil ALWAYS leave marks. Like yourselves, u must REALIZE that ALL YOU HAVE DONE on earth will LEAVE MARKS. So, BE CAREFUL AND THINK FOR ALL YOUR BEHAVIOR AND ATTITUDE so you're not make PEOPLE HURT!!!!."

sumber: Hendrick Alfonso

Monday, June 21, 2010

monday oh monday. what a beautiful day!

09.50 am

hari ini.. saya bermimpiii!! wow.
sudah lama saya tdk bermimpi.

tapi mimpi kali ini agak aneh. masa saya mimpi, drakula dimatiin dgn cara digigitin sperti jagung, tapi pas udah abis digigitin, drakula na masi blm mati2 juga...
zzzzz.. cape deh. trus kebangun!!

bangun2 dgn leher sakit, kaya abis nge dongak kelamaan. tidak enak bgn dgn cara sperti itu disertau mimpi yg aneh skali. =P

*************************** other topic*********************************************

11. 50 am

wah, tidak terasa 4 hari lagi, si mama akan dateng.
aq mau mau ajak dia jalan2. mau buat liburan dia yg sgt singkat itu,
sangat unforgetable.

saya jadi keingat.. tentang org tua saya. dan saya mau mebri kan opini & mencritakan kesan yg slalu membekas stiap saya mengingat atau memikirkan keluarga saya.

papa saya seorg yg ramah, suka menjamu tamu2 dgn baik, suka berkaroeke, suka main ping pong, bersih, sgt teliti dan bertanggung jawab.

saya bangga punya papa sperti itu. minggu tgl 20 June 2010, jadi kemaren tepatna.
saya menelpon dan mengucapkan ~HAPPY FATHER'S DAY~ ke dia.
dan aq juga bilang, " Terima kasih ya papa, papa uda jadi papa yg luar biasa buat silvie. "

and he said," itu memang sudah kewajiban papa."

wow luar biasa ya!! saya salut sama smua org tua yg ada di dunia. jasa mreka dan tanggung jawab mreka yg bgtw besar dan sgt mulia.

mama saya seorg yg tangkas, praktis, suka gadget, hati nya tulus, suka memberi, rela berkorban, dan dominan.

perpaduan yg luar biasa!!! hahahaha..

popo saya: seorg yg sgt sabar, penuh kasih, suka memberi, resik, pekerja keras, lemah lembut, ceria, ramah dan ahli dlm memasak. i love my grandma cook!! <3

ko2 no 1 adalah seorg yg pintar, dan ekstrovert,byk skali teman2na, mulut na manis, sgt menyukai terlihat bagus dan benda2 mahal. hahaha.

ko2 no 2 adalah seorg yg a bit introvert, sedikit cincai dlm masalah baju dan clana ~apapun jadi : kaus + clana ga nyambung + sandal jepit = I DONT CARE~ hahahaha.

lucu, suka tertawa, nyaman bercerita and di dekat dia, suka tidur, suka lagu rock, kurang berinisiatif (maap ko2- itu bisa berubah koq), selera nya aga unik, menyukai makanan yg aga tawar, makan suka berantakan, aga dirty dan suka karoeke.

(ini dia si sipitt.. hiatttt!! hahahaha)

( jarang skali dia rapi bgini, JARANGGG!! bisa diitung jari. hahaha. tapi anda ganteng skali dsana ko,uhuyyyy!! )

and i really like and love my family.
silvie bersyukur bgt, bisa mendapatkan keluarga yg sperti ini.
memang tdk sempurna,
tapi dgn sgala keunikan, campur aduk smuanya, become a great food in the end.

thx God, for ur indescribable gift in me.
it's really great!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

post- independent !

waa... serasa senang sekaliii..
maren sudah cape2 exam, deg2an sampe gemeteran pula.
gara2 minum kopi. hahaha.. parah.

padahal maren, saya rencana na ke Broga liat sunrise.
(uda masukin ke calendar di hp loh)
tapi, apa daya.. badan ku bner2 minta di istirahatkan.
kt na: "woii.. istrihat woi, jgn kerja rodi, liat tuh rambut uda rontok!"

makana gw memutuskan hari jumat tgl 18 June 2010, untuk meliburkan diri.
have a quality time for myself.
then, today.. i just watched TOY STORY 3!
woww..what a great ending, touchful story.

moral yg bs diambil:
toy aja bisa setiaaa bgt sama pemiliknya.
apalagi Tuhan sama kita.
dan itu pun reflek balik ke gw secara personal.
gw harus jadi "lebih" daripada si woody .
+ lebih setia
+ ga pantang menyerah

but, most of all the charcther, i really like BUZZ.
hahaha, specially in Spanyol mode scene. hahaha, made me laugh like dead.
Senorita.. hahahaha

trus hari ini, luar biasa puas.
saya membeli beberapa barang yg sgt membuat puas hati.
diantara nya, baju dan kacamata MANGO yg sedang discount 50 %.
so mau tau harga kacamata na?
RM 16 only

then, mau tau harga sweater na? (yg sedang saya pakai skrg di photo)
RM 29 only.
makana tidak rugii.. membeli na =D

trus bli parfume yg wangi na enak, hehe. walo aga lama menemukan parfum yg cocok di hati. tapi akhirna dapat juga.

Monday, May 31, 2010

jalan pintas

baru2 ini, saya membaca beberapa artikel yg menambah pengetahuan saya
dan saya baru menyadari bahwa apa yg saya alami itu memang "Jalan Yg Tuhan berikan kpd saya".

tahun akhir2 ini, saya belajar apa yg namanya melayani org lain, dahulukan org lain.
seriously.. it's not easy, but that is the purpose God made us.
untuk saling melayani bukan untuk keep'in served by others..

dan saya pun tersadar, ohhh.. ternyata proses apa yg saya jalani.
ternyata sudah benar selama ini.
mungkin terkadang, banyak jalan pintas yg ditawarkan untuk memperoleh 'kematengan'.
jalan pintas menawarkan kecepatan, kepraktisan, ketidaksabaran.
dan bisa diketahui bahwa org yg memilih jalan pintas adalah org yg result oriented.

tetapi, jalan pintas itu bukan lah cuma satu2nya pilihan yg terbaik untuk kita.
it's just a one of many choices we have.

aq rindu untuk diproses lebih lagi untuk mendapatkan kematengan yg Tuhan mau. =)
dan rindu menemukan panggilan yg tepat, sehingga aq bisa memberikan smua karunia, kelebihan, keunikan, passion ku smua untuk memuliakan dan menyenangkan hati Tuhan.

wish u guys all the best.
have a great day =)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

one little thing, tickle in my brain

hal ini yg pernah melintas di pikiran ku:

Waktu nya Tuhan itu kadang bukan waktu ku.
pernah ga kita dijanjikan satu hal, dan kita terus meminta nya stiap hari.

tapii kata Nya.. sabar ank ku. kamu blm siap.

sampai pada suatu saat, ank itu uda melupakan apa yg pernah dijanjikan kpd nya.

lalu beberapa saat kemudian, dgn waktu yg sudah di rencanakan Tuhan.
barulah ia memberi sesuai dgn janji Nya. katanya : dlm kurun waktu ini, kamu telah dipersiapkan untuk dapat menerima & bertanggung jawab dgn apa yg Ku beri.
dan skrg lah waktu yg tepat.

dan ank Nya yg sudah tidak pernah mengingatnya, teringat kembali akan Janji Bapa nya, dan ia tersenyum besarrr sekali.

apa yg ku dpt dari metafora ini adalah..
Tuhan ga pernah mengingkari janji Nya, hanya kita perlu bersabar untuk menunggu waktu yg Tuhan rancangkan buat kita.

Waktu nya ga pernah terlambat dan tidak pernah terlalu cepatt.

trust me =)

Friday, April 30, 2010

dont too sensitive!

today, something flashing in my mind.

key of having many friends in different type & styles.
is dont too SENSITIVE. (harus lebih positif and cuek)

jgn dikit2, merasa disakiti.
temen ga sengaja cuekin,ngerasa di ank tere kan, ga ditanggapin lah,
padahal sbenerna ga. temen na aja yg lagi nge blur. hahaha

trus jgn dikit2 merasa gw ga cocok de,
ini nih, yg gw juga lagi mau tahap pengubahan. beda dikit tipe temen na.
udah nyerah, bilang "uda ah emang beda sih, ga cocok."
tapi ya, klo ketemu CIONG mulu, ya mendingan sadar diri, untuk menjauh.
daripada cari masalah kan. pusing atuh. masalah uda bnyk, tambah banyak.

jgn dikit2 marah untuk hal kecil yg ga penting.
misalnya: temen ga sengaja tumpahin cincau lo, lo marahin dia
suru ngepel, ga mau tau lagi pokokna harus NGEPEL & GANTI.
enak aje diee, cincau gw ditumpahin.

klo masalah cincau mah, ya udah lah ya. beli lagi. cincau berapa sih.
org na juga ga sengaja. klo sengaja mah, sirem aja pake cincau na. hahahhaa. canda =P

jgn dikit2 ga nyaman sama org baru.
yang nama na comfort zone pasti ada.
tapi ya, klo sama semua org baru kita ga "menyamankan" diri

kapan dapet temen baru nya?
kapan lo ketemu org yg akan menjadi sahabat lo?

sebenrna klo diliat2, seru juga punya sahabat yg berbeda. yg ga slalu sama jalan na pikiran sama loe, SERU LOH. jadi tahu, apa yg lo ga tau. jadi ngerti oh, jadi begini jalan pikir mereka.. eheheh
ya, may be buat sebagian org, need a extra work. tapi buat sebagian org, gampang2 aja. ( yah, makana org beda2 kan.)

gw sih salut ya sama org2 yg beda suku, beda ras, beda language. bisa mix dan jadi 1 community yg klop. kayana seru aja. ide2 na, bahan omongan na, knowledge na, seru aja.jadi bahan omongan na ga itu2 aja.
jadi bisa crita2 sama org berkewarganegaraanlain, tentang negara/ daerah masing2..
kaya indonesia tuh, paling enak jajanan murah na. kaya batagor, siomay, martabak keju coklat, mie tek tek, ketoprak. wahh mantap bgt.
gtw2. kan seru...
trus giliran mreka yg crita. kita kan juga jadi tau, OOOO BULAT. sapa tau klo bersohib sama mreka, dan kebetulan kita lagi jalan2 ke negara mreka, bisa diajak jalan2 gratis dan nginep di tempat mreka. usa seru ketemu temen, irit pula.
mantap kan???

hehehe. sip INDONESIA.
tidak tahu kenapa, hari ini saya sangat PATRIOTIK.

have a nice day everyone.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

boring boring boring

talking about this week
why is so crunchy boring?

dont have something to do, made me messier than ever.

with my full energizer body.
i must use it, transfer it, to something fun & useful.
buttt, nothing to do! so it made me crazy enough.

open fb, close fb. open hotmail & GMAIL. close. open my blog.close.
(through and through)

why am i so over active recently ya?
do u have the answer?

may be too much sleep. hahaha.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


finally yesterday i ate kaya pau, i have bought and use the steamer.

finally today i woke up early
and jogging.

btw, i'm so happpyyyyyy...
want to know why??

bcoz, yesterday my mom send me message. she bought me a camera fuji instax that i want and a bag.

wuaaaa.. mama. u are the best!(tears, come.. lebay)

(psst, i didnt ask her to buy me something loh.
but she asked me again, again and again.. finally,i talked about the camera fuji instax. just that one. but she gave me more.)

huaaaa... mamamama loph u. (tears come again)

btw, do u know.. why i can get up early today?
do u want to know the secret???

hahahahaha.. i slept at 7 pm yesterday and woke up at 7.50 am today.

u will see the different.
try that:D

have a great day

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

unsatisfied women

from: women who have felt unsatisfied in her life.

have u felt unsatisfied with ur life?
havent fullfilled what u want?

Are u living with a dream that started out as a 'what if' and ended with an 'if only'?
u ready take all the risk without care if anyone hurt because of that?

back in high school time,
i do have felt unsatisfied,
i thought it would be nice.
if i meet the person who same like me, do what i do, like what i like.
get anything i want. all is for ME. for making me happy.

i want to be served. i want get the first of everything. i want to be accept.
i want become that girl who surround tons of friends. i want the spotlight.

i ask my self, is all i want can satisfied me?
is it?

times goes, i got the answer:
WANT is never enough! it grows more and more. never stop.
it kills you inside.
you become a defensive and disappoint if u didn't get it.
u ready to attack all the person who block ur way.

so scary to meet this kind of people. so scary to see me back then.

but now i realize.
i think deeper,
do we realize that what need and want is absolutely different.
God said, he will give what we need, not what we want.
He know us from beginning.
He know our heart, weakness, and strength.

and God have given me, my needs.
he isnt only give me a new life, a new friends, a new perspective and new environment.
but also gave me,
ability to love Him and others.
ability to think in different perspective.
ability to serve people.
ability to give the best for God and others.
ability to learn to arrange the best priority in my life.
ability to admit yes i was wrong
ability to give up my dream in GOD's HAND

many this is different now. many things have changed.

i like this quote:
> God's destiny for me isn't limited by earthly vision but is open wide to his unlimited heaven.

"HE had his eyes on use, had designs on us for glorious living, part of overall
purpose HE is working out in everything and everyone. (eph 1: 11)

have a blessing day, everyone.

Monday, April 26, 2010

blessing day

i'm soo happyyy...
last sunday, 25 april 2010.
finally, Angela Mega get baptized.
and that was my first time to accompany people that want be baptized.

when one by one names called by Pastor Eddy Chang.
my heart is different.
i dunno how can i describe it.
it's not bad thing, but it's more about to positive.
i feel such a joy. like i get baptized too.

sometimes, i have a lot in my head.
think and realize many things.
it like therapy to me. to flash back & introspection what i have done.
may be it's good or bad.

and i realized this thing.

thanks God.
what u have done to me.
from beginning until now.
i cant imagine how can u do that.
u are extremely unpredictable good to us.

plis keeping your good plan in our life.
lead us when we start lose our sight to U.

God, thanks for all unique and special character u have given to me.
day by days, i realized how special and different 1 person with another person.
and thats adding my feeling to say HOW GREATTT MY GOD.

no one is 'clonning' from another. no one is same with another.
no one. even the identical twins, they also have a different.

thanks God. now, i celebrating the differences.

have a blessing day, everyone.
silvie hosea

Friday, April 23, 2010



we took the train from VOV mall.
we arriveed at Universal Studio around 12 am.
the entry ticket was $ 66 for weekdays
open from 9 am - 6 pm. =)

sooo, lets begin

this is the main attraction. the dual roller coster.
unfortunetly when i came, i can't try,
still in renovation. =(
may be done in June or July. huh.


yupp.. MARLION
do u know why people call MARLION?
because it combination of marmaid and lion.
try look carefully. =)

we went to MARLION statue at night.
veryyy beautiful. =)

About Me

My photo
i like yellow. i like everything positive and encourage each other. i like having a quality time. ;)